In Tribute to the Life and Work of Zelda Milstein
The Zelda Milstein Fund:
Would you consider contributing?
With the family’s support, ASDI has begun a fund in Zelda’s name to provide subsidy for indigent patients in need of treatment. We are sure that Zelda would appreciate this tribute in accord with her values. Since we are not a non-profit organization, your contribution will not be tax deductible, but 100% will go to the designated purpose. Your contribution may be mailed to the address below. Thank you.
The Zelda Milstein Fund
c/o The Anxiety and Stress Disorders Institute of Maryland
6525 North Charles Street
Towson, Maryland 21204
We at ASDI are saddened by the recent death of Zelda Milstein at age 87. Our original incarnation at Sheppard-Pratt Hospital was inspired by and co-founded by Zelda Milstein in 1978 and she remained an Associate at ASDI from 1992 until nearly the end of her life. There are so very many people whose lives were forever changed by Zelda's work over the past 40 years as Maryland’s first paraprofessional in vivo exposure therapist. Her own recovery from severe panic and agoraphobia fueled a lifelong passion for helping others with anxiety disorders. Many of us began our understanding of anxiety disorders through Zelda. We celebrate her indomitable spirit, her compassion for all and her life very well lived.